Platform Opportunities

Novel Isoxazoline

  • First medicated food for canine flea & tick prevention

  • Premium food that provides pets with their complete nutritional content that tastes great

Near Term Parasiticide Expansion

  • Additional parasiticide projects for heartworm and GI nematodes

  • Planned expansion to full endectoparasiticide combination products

  • Extension of product to felines

Therapeutic Use

  • Platform enables broad applicability across oral medications

  • Opportunities for medicated dog and cat food pose significant advantages over pilling

  • Potential for combination with parasiticide products

Food Formulation Expansion

  • Platform applicability across isoxazoline class as well as other parasiticides

  • Expansion across life stages, nutritional needs, and specialty diets

  • Food formulations rapidly developed

  • Low upfront investment for additional formulations

“My dog does not like the tablets and we are never sure if she is receiving the full dose because we are unsure if she has consumed the whole tablet.”

Pet Owner

“I like the idea of giving less medicine that costs the same and is just as effective as his current medicine.”

Pet Owner

“I would recommend this for all the dogs in the practice.”
